The Technologies Behind the AI Anthropologist: Exploring AI's Role in Workplace Analysis

In the first post of this series, we introduced the concept of the AI Anthropologist—an innovative application of artificial intelligence designed to understand and enhance workplace dynamics. We explored the potential of this technology to analyze communication patterns, detect shifts in team morale, and uncover the hidden influencers within an organization. However, the power of the AI Anthropologist lies not just in its conceptual appeal but in the specific technologies that make it possible. ...more

#AI #machine learning #AI in project management #workplace

AI: Artificial but Not So Intelligent - Limitations and Challenges

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides, captivating our imagination and transforming various aspects of our lives. From virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles, AI seems to be everywhere. However, despite its impressive capabilities in data processing and pattern recognition, current AI systems fall short of true intelligence. In this post, we’ll explore why AI, at the moment, cannot truly think and remains more of a sophisticated pattern recognition tool than a sentient being. ...more

#AI #AI ethics #machine learning #AI and Philosophy